Joy of learning & teaching...

Rocket LMS is a fully-featured educational platform that helps instructors to create and publish video courses, live classes, and text courses and earn money, and helps students to learn in the easiest way.


Des instructeurs compétents

Commencez à apprendre auprès d’instructeurs expérimentés.


Des étudiants heureux

Inscrit à nos cours et amélioré ses compétences.


Cours en direct

Améliorez vos compétences grâce au flux de connaissances en direct.


Cours vidéo

Apprenez sans aucune limitation géographique et temporelle.

Catégories tendances

#Parcourir les tendances et les sujets d'apprentissage populaires

Abonnez-vous maintenant !

Choisissez une formule d'abonnement et économisez de l'argent !

Find the best instructor

Looking for an instructor? Find the best instructors according to different parameters like gender, skill level, price, meeting type, rating, etc. Find instructors on the map.

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Tutor Finder Find the best instructor now...
Win Club Points
You earned 50 points! for completing the course...

Win Club Points

Use Rocket LMS and win club points according to different activities. You will be able to use your club points to get free prizes and courses. Start using the system now and collect points!


Ce que nos clients disent de nous

Ryan Newman

Ryan Newman

Data Analyst at Microsoft

"We've used Rocket LMS for the last 2  years. Thanks for the great service."

Megan Hayward

Megan Hayward

System Administrator at Amazon

"We're loving it. Rocket LMS is both perfect    and highly adaptable."

Natasha Hope

Natasha Hope

IT Technician at IBM

"I am really satisfied with my Rocket LMS. It's the perfect solution for our business."

Charles Dale

Charles Dale

Computer Engineer at Oracle

"I am so pleased with this product. I couldn't have asked for more than this."

David Patterson

David Patterson

Network Technician at Cisco

"Rocket LMS impressed me on multiple           levels."